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Impression Roller

Impression Roller

Impression Roller
Rollers are basic and primary accessory for web process control. Even surface, appropriate material of coating according to the application, uniform hardness over the surface, along with precision workmanship play vital roll in performance of the rubber roller. Selection of roller type and coating material depend upon the application and the web material. Impression roller is covered with rubber or another elastic polymer. Our skilled engineers ensure building impression roller for a quality print, press run ability, and roller life. The pressure of the impression roller against the gravure cylinder can be adjusted. We make sure that our Impression roller designed for dry applications in gravure printing as per client’s demand. We have been also manufacturing Rotogravure Printing Machine with high-speed features and heavy duty processing equipment for different size and industries Even surface, appropriate material of coating according to the application, uniform hardness over the surface, along with precision workmanship play vital roll in performance of the rubber roller, Impression Roller.
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